1. 300,000 to 400,000 people 2. Who gets to take on Gov. Greg Abbott?, Has the Bush name gone from Boon to Bane?, Big names in Williamson County Judge Race 3. Millennials generally have more student debt, so they don't want to be in more debt by having a credit card. 4. "The Shape of Water" 5. Sans is a bar that focuses on music, healthy food, and wellness without serving alcohol. Long Response: With all the shooting happening recently, it is obvious guns should be controlled more strictly. I think the only way to do something about this issue, is to make guns a lot harder to get. Right now, pretty much anyone can get a gun or assault rifle, and that's the reason so many shooting have happened. I think if something like that happened at Bowie or another school in Austin, people would probably be a lot more open to gun control laws. Some people may not feel like it is necessary, until they or someone they know is affected by a shooting. Weapons such as AR-15 sh...