Movie Review Preview

‘A Quiet Place’ is about a good deal more than scaring us
1. Rotten Tomatoes
2. Peter Rainer
3. 8
4. beautifully crafted and acted, inventive, effective, expertly made, moving
5. no low points included
6. "But what if we are talking about a great horror movie with befanged aliens? And what if the movie is about a good deal more than simply scaring us? What if it features a richly imagined family attempting to survive not only the monsters without but the demons within?"

Film review: Isle of Dogs is visually stunning, but culturally questionable
1. Rotten Tomatoes
2. Chris Newbould
3. 9
4. good attention to details, beautifully constructed sets, visually stunning, quirkily entertaining
5. Orientalism, leaves too many uncomfortable question marks
6. "It’s for this reason I haven’t rated the movie slightly higher – as a work of animation it is beyond reproach, aesthetically, rhythmically and wondrously hitting the target every time. As a cultural statement, it just leaves a few too many uncomfortable question marks."


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