Current Events Quiz #1

1. Nelva Gonzales Ramos
2. USS John S. McCain
3. Carbon Monoxide poisoning from their police vehicles
4. 50 million
5. I would like to attend the Austin Pride Parade and Festival because it only happens once a year and it is a very fun and positive event.

Long Response:
Statues of Confederate generals in Charlottesville, VA were covered by tarps on Wednesday to symbolize the death of a woman killed when protesting a "Unite the Right' rally. There have been different opinions on whether or not the statue should be covered or removed. I think the statues should have been covered because they represent hate and have caused many problems recently. I think that UT removing the statues of Confederate heroes was a good decision because in my opinion, the statues represent hate more than they represent history and are offensive to many people. Removing the statues won't "erase the country's history" as some people say. Confederate symbols belong in textbooks and museums. I think statues should be for people who have made positive changes to our country, not for people who fought for bad causes. I have not had any discussions with anyone about this, but have seen lots of conversation and controversy on social media.


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