News Values

Timeliness - This article is driven to timeliness because it happened today.
We have a Powerball winner! Mavis Wanczyk told her boss she's not coming back

Proximity- This article is driven to proximity because it took place in Austin.
Austin district shifts to fewer school nurses, more telemedicine

Prominence- This article is driven by this news value because it is about Donald Trump, and he is very prominent.
Trump's remarks about the melee in Charlottesville

Impact- This article is driven to impact because it is about how people on the coast of Texas should evacuate the area.
Texas Coastal residents urged to leave in 'strongest possible terms' as hurricane Harvey intensifies in the coast.

Conflict- The conflict in this article is between Donald Trump and science.
More questions about a Trump admin war on science

Human Interest- This article may be interesting to some because people like to know about other's emotional struggles.
Mariah Carey has 'always had low self-esteem'

Novelty- This article is driven to novelty because it is weird and unusual.
Prized pork: $325K ham sold at Kentucky State Fair auction


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