Current Events Quiz #4

1- Susan Collins, John McCain, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz
2- 1969
3- Devices placed on card readers by thieves to steal your credit card info
4-  It will help them hire and keep their best employees
5- J.J. Mason

Long Response:
Before I read this story I heard about the drama around the NFL players kneeling during the national anthem. NFL players should not have to stand during the national anthem because by kneeling, they are not harming anyone and it is a way of peacefully protesting. I think that it is ok for NFL players to stay in the locker room during the anthem because it is a way of recognizing the fact that our country has problems, but I don't see it as disrespectful in any way. I don't think President Trump should have taken it this far and go after this subject on twitter because there are much more important things than this, like the disasters in Puerto Rico and Mexico that he hasn't given much attention to at all. The topic of race also has a lot to do with this subject. Because of the amount of police brutality and racism going on in America right now, black athletes have every right to protest. By Trump saying it should be required to stand, it is like saying they don't have the right to protest and be angry at the racism happening in America. I know that Colin Kaepernick started not standing for the pledge even before President Trump was in office, and not many people gave attention to it, which shows how Donald Trump and people who are opposed to kneeling are really only paying attention to it now that more and more people are doing it. I think this issue is not affecting anyone, but people are making a big deal out of it, just to start an argument.


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