The Big Day Story

Primary sources: Bride, Man driving, Groom
Secondary sources: Priest, Bride's dad, wedding guests, bridesmaids

     Over the weekend, problems occurred at a wedding that took place in San Francisco. At bride Sarah Smith and groom John Baker's wedding, an unwanted guest, Jason Matthews appeared to try to stop the wedding, and succeeded.
     "I had a weird feeling in my stomach before the event that I knew wasn't just nerves," Smith said. "Ever since everything happened between me and Jason, there has always been tension between us."
     Matthews showed up to the wedding, hoping to change the couple's plans. He has had strong feelings about Smith and Baker's relationship for years, and felt like he needed to take action against it.
     "I just knew it was the right thing to do," Matthews said. "The day I found out about the wedding, I started to plan how I was going to stop the marriage. I wasn't sure how exactly I was going to do it, but all I knew was that it had to stopped."
     Baker, was not happy about the mid-ceremony interruption. He had not known the details of Matthews and his wife's relationship prior to the wedding day.
     "When I first saw him walk through the church doors, I was confused," Baker said. "The only thing I knew about him was that Sarah and him dated in high school, but I hadn't heard anything about him for years."
     After Matthews arrived at the church, he confessed his love for Smith while friends and family of the bride and groom stared at him with looks of shock and confusion. 
     "I heard the doors slam open, and immediately saw him standing there," said Smith. "We locked eyes for about half a second, then I looked away and tried to ignore him, but soon realized the situation had to be addressed. I looked back at him and then he started talking."
     After he convinced Smith to marry him instead of Baker, Smith announced that the wedding was cancelled to a very surprised audience and disappointed groom.
     "I was so surprised to see Jason show up to the wedding," said the brides mother, Sally Smith. "Everyone in the audience's jaws dropped when we heard Sarah say the wedding was cancelled.
     Plans of Sarah and Matthew's wedding have not yet been made, but they do know they will be getting married in the future.
     "Getting married to John never felt right to me," Sarah said. "I wish I had realized what I really wanted before I said yes to John's proposal, but I'm glad Jason convinced me to not follow through. Although it was unexpected, I do not regret my decision one bit."


  1. This is an entertaining story. Well done Ella. Watch your attributions, you missed a couple of them. I loved the ending and you wrapped up the story well. Excellent job on the quote-transition style. Its just the attributions that will need some work. Impressive!!


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