The Car Accident

     At 4:45, three Austin citizens were involved in a car accident at the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane.
     "I've never seen anything like this happen before," witness, Tim McCarthy said. "It happened so quickly and it was very unexpected."
     Roger Clementine, 13, was speeding and driving in the wrong lane when his car collided with Melba, 67, and John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith's car going 10 miles per hour.
     "I was just trying to get to my friends house," Clementine said. " I have driven many times before, but I have never been in an accident. I think I'm a pretty good driver."
     An ambulance arrived 10 minutes after the accident and all three people were taken to the hospital. Clementine had minor cuts on his face, Melba had a bloody nose, and John suffered from a  head injury and is in serious condition as of now.
     "I am glad I only suffered from a bloody nose," Melba said. "It could've been a lot worse for me. Right now, I am just hoping John will be okay."
     The Smiths were driving in a 1989 Yugo Firebelcher and Clementine was driving a 1948 Studebaker. The Yugo was completely destroyed and the Studebaker has a crumpled fender.
    "The Studebaker is my uncle's," Clementine said. "I am fine, but the car is in pretty bad condition. My uncle doesn't know about it yet, and I am nervous about him finding out about it."
     After the accident, police cited Clementine for speeding and driving without a license. Clementine's mother, Jane Clementine said she will not let Roger drive again until he has his license.
     "I did't know he was going to drive alone," Jane said. "I have let him drive when I'm in the car before, but I will not let him drive again alone after this situation."


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