The Dispatch

AISD Bond may bring major benefits
1. Who: AISD School Board
What: they approved a bond to renovate and build schools
When: Nov 7
Where: Bowie and other Austin schools
Why: schools need to be renovated
How: Austin community will vote on it

2. The school board recently approved a bond that will make Bowie and other AISD schools better. Bowie would benefit a lot from this bond and it's fine arts and athletic facilities would be improved. There are also plans to build a new parking garage and improve the technology, plumbing, and air conditioning.

3. Mark Robinson- direct quote
Paul Cruz- direct quote
Matias Segura- direct quote
Brian Garcia- direct quote

4. There is no opinions in this story.

5. The headline summarizes the article well.

6. The graphic fits the story.

New bulldog logo soon to be created due to trademark issue

1. Who: Gonzaga University
What: Bowie needs to change the logo to avoid being sued
When: this year
Where: Bowie high school
Why: another school has the logo 
How: Bowie will design a new logo

2. Gonzaga University has threatened to sue Bowie because the two schools have similar logos. Bowie will need to change their logo, but there are some issues with changing the iconic logo. 

3. Ty Branyon- direct quote
Ibrahim Abduljabbar- direct quote
Alex Paulson- direct quote
Mark Robinson- direct quote

4. There are no opinions.

5. The headline summarizes the story well. 

6. The graphic fits the story.

Technology due to arrive in January

1. Who: students at Bowie
What: Everyone:1
When: fall semester of 2017-2018
Where: Bowie high school
Why: so all students will be able to access online resources
How: Computers will be given to all students

2. This fall semester, all students will be given and Google Chromebook for schoolwork. This will allow all students to use the internet and be able to complete all assignments. 

3. Noelle Parker- direct
Michael Evans- direct
Allie Grooms- direct

4. There are no opinions in this story.

5. The headline fits the story well.

6. The graphic fits the story. 


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