Dispatch Issue #2

News: Austin City council votes to remove curfew

1. Recently, the city council removed a curfew that caused students to be fined if they were out at night or during the school day. This had many benefits for students who had busy schedules.

2A.. Ellen Toxclair, Han Vo, Jason Stanford
2B. "I'm really happy the council is accommodating to everyone's needs and actually taking steps to improve the community,"
2C. Yes the lead made me want to keep reading.
2D. The conclusion is a quote.

Commentary: Gun control laws overdue for change
1. Gun laws need to be stricter and the USA should not allow people to own assault weapons. Our government also needs to address the fact that we have a gun problem.

2A. There are no quotes
2B. There are no quotes
2C. Yes, the lede made me want to keep reading.
2D. The conclusion is a statement.

Features: Twins, Triplets, Oh My... preparing to leave each other

1. There are multiple sets of twins and triplets at Bowie that rely heavily on each other for support. When the senior twins and triplets go off to college they will have to adjust to life without each other.

2A. Hope Pattison, Natalie Haddad, Sydney Pattison, Susan Haddad, Taylor Pattison, Julian Haddad
2B. "Whenever I'm going through something difficult I know I have someone I love deeply who is experiencing the same thing. I'm incredibly grateful I have a twin."
2C. Yes, the lede made me want to keep reading.
2D. The conclusion is a quote.

Entertainment: JBHSOPE to face upcoming challenges

1. At BOA San Antonio, the JBHSOPE will compete with many top ranked bands. This year they will compete against Avon from Indiana, which will make competition harder.

2A. Jennifer Hanford, Adam Dinkins, Ali Rodriguez
2B. "There is always pressure when you are in a leadership position because people look up to you all the time and you can't be phased by anything around you,"
2C. Yes the lede made me want to keep reading.
2D. The conclusion is a quote.

Sports: Claire Meyer makes her third dash to state

1. Claire Meyer has been running at Bowie for 3 years and has made state all three years. Along with being naturally talented, she practices often to make herself better.

2A. Rita Gonzales, Claire Meyer, Gage Haden, Kristen Ham,
2B. "If you don't enjoy running, if you dread it every time you go to practice, you're not going to perform wetland it's just not going to be fun,"
2C. Yes, the lede makes me want to keep reading.
2D. The conclusion is a quote.

Review:  Team 10 musical murder

1. Even months after the song was released, "It's Everyday Bro" by Jake Paul continues to be talked about and get lots of views. The song is very repetitive, annoying, cringe, and the music video shows that team 10 has no talent whatsoever.

2A. There are no quotes
2B. There are no quotes
2C. Yes the lede makes me want to keep reading
2D. The conclusion is a statement.

In-Depth: Stress

1. A large percentage of teenagers suffer from anxiety and depression sue to being stressed from school or extracurricular activities. It is important to find ways to deal with them and handle their stress.

2A. Lisa Saunders, Micaela Gonzales, Jean Vo-Foradory, Piper Kosper, Cade Blagdan, Mark Robinson
2B. "I'm 17, in practically the prime of my youth, and I'm stressing over a class that may or many not even help me in the future."
2C. Yes the lede makes me want to keep reading.
2D. The conclusion is a quote.

1. My favorite photos are the ones on page 16 of Chris rock climbing.
1A. I like these pictures because they are interesting to look at and they show his emotions.

2. My least favorite photo is on page 4, the one of Beardsley on a swing.
2A. I don't like this photo because it's not very interesting and doesn't really have anything to do with the story.

3. If I were a photographer on staff, I would want to take pictures for the JBHSOPE because there are lots of opportunities to get good pictures that are interesting.

4. Most of the photography in this issue was good, especially the the pictures of athletics, the color guard and the Photo Essay page. I think all the pictures of students working in a classroom are all very similar and not very interesting, which is a weak point.

I think a good commentary story for the next issue could be about net neutrality. I think someone could write a feature story on a senior who gets into a really good college like Stanford or Harvard.


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