After moving to the United States from Taiwan at a young age and facing challenges of adjusting to a new way of living, LiJen Suter was given the job of a Language Specialist Agent (Linguist) in the FBI. Suter has been a Language Specialist for the FBI for 31 years, and continues to expand her knowledge of the English language, western culture, and current global events. For the first portion of her life, Suter lived in a small village in Taiwan. Growing up in this small village, she and other children that lived there were raised being taught different morals than the average American child. “Up to senior year of high school, I grew up in a village of 200 some families. I was the first woman to attend 4-year college from that village,” Suter said. “In Taiwan, like all Chinese, I was brought up to be passive and not aggressive, meaning one should not initiate conversation until elders talked to me first, to respect elders, to love siblings, to get higher education for...