Self Critique

1. Lijen Suter, Karen Friedman, Kyong-Min Kim
2. LiJen Suter moved to America from Taiwan when she was 27 to study English and get a job. She was offered a job as a Language Specialist in the FBI and accepted it. With this job she has learned how to deal with unexpected situations and has contributed her knowledge of two languages to the USA.
3. 19 paragraphs
4. 963 words
5. 9 quotes
6. 3 people
7.  "I am most proud that I can be working in the most professional organization that is well known worldwide, and contributing my abilities to the USA in a whole.”
8. It is at the end.
9. not really
10. I could've tried to interview someone in LiJen's family that lives in Taiwan.
11. The story is objective.
12. I can't think of any unanswered questions.
13. "Suter beings a new life in America"
14. I think the story is interesting but some parts could've been better with more information and quotes.
15. 90


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