Final Exam Part 3

Violence is everywhere. Everyday, violence shows up in movies, television, video games, and in real life. Violence in television promotes violence because it normalizes it and makes it seem like an everyday thing. In our world today, violence is a major problem and there is no doubt that much of it is influenced by what people see on television.

When violence is shown so often in television and social media, it makes it seem like a normal thing that will always happen. If you grow up never watching T.V. and then all of a sudden you are exposed to a violent situation, you would probably react differently to someone who sees violence everyday. If violence was not shown as much on T.V., people would take it more seriously, but since it is shown so much on television and in movies, people see it as a normal thing that is common.

Kids especially are exposed to violence in television more than ever. To a young impressionable brain that has not fully matured, things like violence can leave a lasting impression. Even things as simple as a superhero fight may inspire children to have violent habits or behaviors that may last them their whole life. Although it may seem very small, it has a large impact on kids and can cause them to grow up with violent behaviors.

Violence happens so often now, when it does happen it isn't taken as seriously as it should be. Because it is normal to see someone shot and killed on television, when things like that happen in real life it may be seen as normal or not a big deal. Things on T.V. are not the same as in reality, so we shouldn't treat them the same way. Because of televisions impact on society, we have been treating reality like it is a T.V. show, and not like violence is a real issue in our world.

Violence will always be a problem with and without television, but television is making the cause way worse because it normalizes these things and is even inspiring people to do violent things.  If we didn't show and broadcast violence so much, it would cause people to see that it isn't something that is normal because they saw it in a movie. If people are able to see the problems in the world with violence, we can take action against it and less of it will be caused because people aren't being influenced by violence in the media.


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