Peer Critique

1. Who were the sources?
Dean Fuller, Dana Fuller, Kay Romaine

2. Summarize in 1-3 sentences the story:
Dean Fuller was a teenager, he started hitchhiking. He travelled all around the country on a low budget by getting rides from strangers. While traveling, he met his future wife when her mom picked him up on the highway.

3. How many paragraphs is the story?

4. How many words is the story (you can do this in the Google Doc itself)?

5. How many direct quotes are there in the story?

6. How many different people are quoted in the story?

7. Which quote is the most impactful of all the ones included?
We were always looking for the next fun thing to do, never worried about the future or any ill fate around the corner we just always seemed to be living in the moment.”

8. Where is that quote located in the story (beginning, middle, end)?

9. Does the lede effectively capture the readers attention?

10.If their could have been one additional person interviewed for the story, who would it be?

11. Is the story objective, which means are all non-direct quotes statements of fact and NOT the opinion of the writer?

12. Are there any unanswered questions that you have after reading the article?

13. Write a headline to go with this story:
"Hitchhiking leads Dean Fuller to his fate"

14. Sum up your opinion of the story:
I think this story was very interesting to read. In some parts I was confused about who was who and there was a few grammar mistakes. 

15. Give them a peer grade from 0-100



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