Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. In the journalism world, there are guidelines and rules about editing and manipulating photos. There are strict rules now, but it was common to completely change a photo or add new components into a photo to make it look different, and sometimes it would look very normal and like it hadn't been edited at all. Even some of the most popular magazines like National Geographic and Time have done this to their photos.

B. Photographers for The New York Times and the Washington Post have strict rules about what they can't do to make their photos look better. They cannot alter the color of the original photo. They also have to turn in their original and final copies of their pictures.

C. I think it is acceptable to make the picture brighter or make it easier to see, but if it changes the color completely it crosses the line of the being ethical. I don't think it is ethical to add something to a picture that was from a completely different picture or to change the picture to make someone look bad.

D. I think this photo manipulation is the most unethical because it is making him look bad. In my opinion, it is also racist because they made the photo look darker to make it more "menacing".

E. I think this photo is the least unethical because the change in the two photos is so small it is barely noticeable. Also, unlike the photo of OJ Simpson, the picture wasn't edited to make her look bad, and it doesn't completely change the whole photo. 


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