CE #5.1

1. March 24
2. Sunrise Tactical Supply
3. Mechanical Engineering Department and the Cockrell School of Engineering
4. Norway, Germany, and Canada
5. Diversity

Long Response
A company called "Yondr" is making cell phone pouches. These cell phone pouches are now being used by over 600 high school in America. The concept of the Yondr pouches is that you can lock your phone away for an amount of time or when you're at a certain event so you can eventually become less addicted to your phone. At San Lorenzo HS, the pouches have resulted in higher grades and the students have less discipline problems. I think these pouches would be useful for when you are doing homework or when you are trying to focus on something and you have no use for your phone at the time. I think the pouches would be useful sometimes, but they could become an inconvenience when you actually need your phone. I think if Bowie started using these, students would become more focused on their schoolwork, but sometimes cell phones can be useful learning tools, so I don't think it would be a good idea to always use them. AI think in the future, people may become more aware of how much they are actually using their phones and not use them as much. If people use their cell phones less, they may become more aware of what's going on around them and be more social.


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